

I have reconnected with a friend recently. Haven't talked to him since 2007. And wholly shit things have changed. 

Matt and I had always connected on a much deeper level, and I'm just now finding out why.

I'm weird. You know it, I know it, the stranger at the checkout counter knows it. And now I have answers as to why.

Apparently, there are people like me out there. I'm not alone. This thought alone lifts my heart immensely.

Nearly all my life I have felt out of place, weird, different.... Because I was. I am. BUT NO LONGER.

I figured it couldn't be just me that could see, feel, experience different types of energies. See auras, know of things to come, speak with the dead, channel the emotions of those around me, and if I worked hard enough, poke into the minds of others. But I have found out that, for a fact, there are people like me. And that I am an amateur, which blows my mind to smithereens, let me tell you!

I really don't know a whole lot about anything, so there's not much more I can explain, I just wanted to let the couple of readers I have (If I have any...) know that I'm very, very, happy right now, to a point that is beyond words. A huge weight has been lifted off my heart.