
Leaving Las Vegas

So, on Saturday of last week, mom and I packed up the car to bursting, threw in a hyperactive, often-carsick Schnauzer; an extremely nervous and skittish cat; two frogs with environment issues; and left Las Vegas, heading North East to Iowa.

Iowa, you ask? Yes. Central Iowa to be a little more specific. Newton, Iowa to be much more specific. I can imagine you now, with a shocked expression on your face, carefully looking away from me. I have my reasons, you know!

They're actually pretty good reasons, too. For example:

  • I HAD to get out of Las Vegas... It's a crappy and often scary city.
  • My mom had to get out of Las Vegas. She was having over a hundred anxiety attacks a day.
  • Most of my family are within a few minutes' drive from here.
  • My sister is here.
  • The hospital I'll be having Aiden at has the best neo-natal care in the country.
  • It's cheaper to live in Iowa.
  • It's safer to drive in Iowa, so I'm a little more willing to get my license.
  • I didn't really have anything holding me in Las Vegas, beyond a boyfriend.
There, you see? Good reasons. And that's not all of them, but I'm to lazy and tired to write down more.

I can still see you rolling your eyes.
But you know what? I don't care. I'm free.