Javion Raymond Bigalow.
Here are a few of his emails.
This was todays:
look bitch your a nobody ive neve wanted u how could i go out wit somebody who wears the same pants everyday the only reason i talked to u because it was apart of me becoming an omega gent we had to talk to the most pathetic girl and u fit dat catagory your nothin and by da way im better than u in every way possible im smart super smart good lookin popular an educated black man with a great future ahead of him and i have the best gf in da world your just a fat ugly nerd wit no life o by da way stop wearing da same pants everyday
This is what's going on on Facebook:
Javion Raymon Biglow
December 12 at 7:33pm
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fat nerdy bitch
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Makenna Driscoll
December 21 at 6:35pm
Really?? Me?? You're the one who's so insecure about himself that he's afraid to do anything that makes him look gay. Are you afraid of your own feelings? Homo?
Javion Raymon Biglow
December 21 at 7:44pm
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Woah i aint gay just because i care about the way i look dosent make me gay unlike u i like to look presentable
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Makenna Driscoll
December 22 at 8:54pm
I don't care how you look. It's about how you act. I also don't like the way you're playing Skye. Because of your *actions*, I think you're gay.I am an actress. I *study* the way people act. YOU are gay.
Javion Raymon Biglow
December 22 at 10:20pm
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no I love skye and I aint gay just because I dress nice and u wear those same ugly ass pants everyday don't get mad I might be a little metro but not gay never dat you just mad because I don't want yo fat ugly ass I would never want to be seen wit you you fuckin nerd
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Makenna Driscoll
December 22 at 10:31pm
nice. ALL of Skye's friends know you're playing her. You love her?? Then why the hell were you trying to hook up with Juliana while dating her?? Why were you trying to finger Kristina??I may wear glasses, but I'm not blind. Metro?? Bullshit. You don't act metro. You don't act gay. You're so repulsed by the idea that someone may think you're gay, or even look gay, that we all think you are.Oh, and by the way, I'm not a "nerd" Geek, thank you! I am not "fat," I'm merely in love with food. I am not ugly, only to you. And it's not your opinion I care about, mainly because I will never entertain the idea of dating a bigshot, liar, player, and schovanist. Sorry, but I'm not. Maybe someone else will, but I don't envy the women who get beaten by their husbands for not doing the dishes right. Oh, and just a tip, if you're going to hit your wife like I expect you will, make sure that when she wears strappy dresses, it won't show.And Viagra will help with that little "problem" of yours.
Javion Raymon Biglow
December 22 at 10:47pm
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one I do love her just because im popular don't mean nothin and I just told jilliana that I liked her and I didn't do shit to christina and little problem please u wasn't complaining and I will never hit a women I takes care of mine skyes going to have a rich husband in the nba euroleuge wich im going to after graduation u just want wat skye got but you could never get some body like me your a nobody people knows who skye is and you can't talk about me about nothin untill u know how to skip a meal
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Makenna Driscoll
December 29 at 12:20am
Who said you were "popular?" NBA? You have to be good. Are you even on the team this year? You weren't at the last assembly. Do you honestly think that I want you??? Why would I be attracted to you? You are a stuck-up jerk who cares only about himself. I could never get anyone like you?? The last time I did anyone, he was 21, WITH a job. My best friend is 23, with an even better job. YOU, on the other hand, are a jobless highschooler with no future.Oh, and guess what? I can't control genes. I'm large because it's in my family. I always have been, just as you are tall. You know what?? Maybe you should shrink!
I did not edit anything. Nothing to make him look worse, or me better. If you've been reading this, you know I give the whole truth. But I'll let you be the judge.
I've been thinking of embarrassing him. Handcuffing him in class maybe, using my MP friends' real handcuffs. Or just slapping him or kicking him in the soft spot. Making him get on his knees and beg forgiveness, maybe. Or just do it at lunch. In front of everybody. Oh, the things I could do. Slip some epicac into his food. Heh. Make him puke in class. Heh. Slip some Viagra into his food. THAT would be epic. IDK. I'll have to think about it. Wait till he does something in class. Or I could just go to the police.
So, if you haven't heard the news reports... it SNOWED in Las Vegas. SNOWED. Yes. I had SOOOO much fun!!! On Wednesday, December 17th 2008. It snowed. I even built a little snowman.
And on the 18th, we had a SNOWDAY!! The first one in 30 years! SOOO much fun!
And then, the 19th, was my 18th birthday. umm.. yeah, it pretty much sucked. Only Juliana, Gage, Carlos (creep. I don't know HOW he knew...) and.. wait.. NO ONE ELSE at school remembered. I have been bitching and complaining about my birthday for two weeks. hm. You'd think they'd remember.
I got House season 1 on DVD for my birthday, and I finished the entire season on Saturday.
Christmas is coming, and I'm looking forward to: guess! Going to my aunt's house! What were you thinking?? Presents? I already know what most of them are. So what's the point? I love Aunt Sadie's other family. I love seeing them. I grew up with one of them.
So, Gage called. With good news and bad news. The good news is that Gage had fun on the mountain, and came back alive. The bad news: He came back, but from what he said, just barely. He says he has a fractured rib or two, and he hurt his femur(?), as well as hurt his arm.. That's what he says. He has no casts, but if he fractured his leg, it would be wrapped in a heavy layer of plaster. If you throw out your knee, they'll put it in a cast. Sometimes. But if there's a break of any kind, they cast it. If it gets moved, bumped just wrong, or anything, it'll set wrong, and he may never walk again. So I have a small feeling that he's playing it up a bit.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
So.. I think I've met someone since the last time I wrote anything.
His name is Kevin, and he lives in Cedar Rapids, IA, one of the towns that got hit with all the flooding this summer.
We met on the 19th this October on Gaia Online. He was looking for a girlfriend, and I thought, Why not? So we started talking. Turns out we have more in common than I have ever experienced.. And it's not just my opinions, but his too, that we share. It's refreshing to know that there may be someone out there for me. (I had that rant earlier about how I will NEVER find my true love, remember?)
And for all you worry-warts out there, I have been cautious, watching his webshow (Pants Off, Potato's Up), and watching his webcam live, talking to his friends, looking at his pictures on Facebook. I've done my research. We also aren't going to meet for a while, so we'll know eachother better. And I'll be meeting him in public, with my oldest brother if we meet there, or with my older sister if we meet here.
Kevin, I'm just being cautious. I trust you, but it is a risk, as you know.
Well, Kevin and I are going to go kicking ass and taking names on Guild Wars.
Thanks for reading!
Okay, someone? Anyone?
I've been thinking about my life, which is never good. Thinking about life makes my moods spiral into a whirlwind of depression. I stop eating, talking, and even doing anything. I lay in my room, brooding or napping. I don't interact with anyone, unless it's to snap at my sister about some idiotic thing she's done, or hasn't done, and then mom gets upset, so my moods are even further down the drain.
And it doesn't help that this guy is creating so many problems for me. I know he doesn't do it on purpose, but he's helping me ruin my life. I don't know if he's a liar and a fraud, or a martyr, and like it would Dr. Gregory House, it pisses me off. He says he's been having minor heart attacks, but honestly? I don't know what to believe. He nearly passes out after school today (Okay, yesterday...), and it seemed like he was having a heart attack, but they never sent for an ambulance, which makes me wonder where the HELL he got his acting skills. 'Cause he said that he was "pretending" to be drunk. If he was able to pretend THAT for the duration of Homecoming, then..., well, what else was he faking?
And, because I entered the group because of him, I am being shunned. Great. Crazy said it's because Gage is trying to hide a secret from me, and can tell everyone else, but they can't tell me, they're scared to talk to me, else it will slip. This must've been huge.
I've also lost EVERY MINUTE HOPE that I will ever be loved, and/or get married. I'm so tired of fickle men who one week, leads you on, and the next week lies to you to go out with another chick. That just pisses me off.
During 1st period today (yesterday), we were talking about abortion (closely related to aberration. In fact, they're even both in the same spell check). I read an article on how they abort the fetus. It's so awful, it made my stomach turn. For the first trimester, they insert a saline solution into the womb. And it doesn't just kill the baby, oh no! It burns the baby alive. Monitors actually have recorded the baby trying to flee the oncoming wall of fire. The fetus is alive. It has survival mode! It is a creature with a will to live. And "mothers" consider this NOT murder??!? And after the first trimester, it's almost as horrid. The Doctor, who apparently has no concerns for human life, induces labor, then stabs the baby at the base of the skull, carefully NOT killing it at that point. He/she (though it's hard to imagine an female doing such a horrendous act to a baby) then inserts a vacuum into the hole, and sucks the baby's brains out. The baby is obviously crying at one point. How can the ex-mother stand to hear the baby wailing for its mother's warmth, and its scream of pain when the stab-wound is made??
As I was telling this information to the class, one of the girls yelled out, "And then the doctor eats the brains, right?" and the room was filled with raucous laughter. Except for the other girls who were crying with me. Some people had to leave the room, and I don't blame them. I told the story with so much passion, I'm sure some became nauseous.
But in all my other classes, I have become invisible. No one takes note of me, comes up to talk, or asks for help. Only a select few will even acknowledge me, besides the teacher, unless it's to poke fun.
I'm tired of being alienated and estranged. I feel so alone. And it Obama does NOTHING to help, as I am a McCain supporter, and more than 9/10 of the school's populace is an Obama. Maybe even more. So there's another reason for me to get poked fun at, and spit on, and candy tossed at me.
No one would consider me as Homecoming or Prom royalty. No one knows me.
Lonely! I'm so lonely! I have no-body! To ca-ll my owww--NNN!!
I know you are reading this, as you always read my blogs. I wanted to tell you, I am EXTREMELY pissed at you. HOW many times did we discuss the affects of alcohol and drugs on a body under 24?? HOW many times did we talk about my massive dislike to drugs and alcohol??
You've been begging me back for a while now, and then you pull that little stunt at Homecoming?? That disgusts me. I am soo glad that I didn't go to Homecoming. I would have slapped you. When I see you, I have urges to do just that.
I'm tired of the sappy notes, the eager look in your face when you see me. I am NOT going back.
Gage, you never really loved me. You never loved yourself. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else.
Good luck in life.
My friend does his math...
So, there you have it, one of the best articles by a blogger I've ever read. Now I just have to go and tell him I used it.. *shudders*Math
I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver, who cut
right in front of a pickup truck, causing the driver to drive onto the shoulder
to avoid hitting her. This evidently angered the driver enough that he hung his
arm out the window and gave the woman the finger. " Man, that guy is
stupid," I thought to myself.I ALWAYS smile nicely and wave in a sheepish manner whenever a female does anything to me in traffic, and here's why:
I drive 48 miles each way every day to work. That's 96 miles each day.
Of these, 16 miles each way is bumper-to-bumper. Most of the bumper-to-bumper is on an 8 lane highway.There are 7 cars every 40 feet for 32 miles. That works out to 982 cars every mile, or 31,424 cars.
Even though the rest of the 32 miles is not bumper-to-bumper, I figure I pass at least another 4000 cars. That brings the number to something like 36,000 cars that I pass every day.
Statistically, females drive half of these. That's 18,000 women drivers! In any given group of females, 1 in 28 has PMS. That's 642.
According to Cosmopolitan, 70% describe their love life as dissatisfying or unrewarding. That's 449.
According to the National Institute of Health, 22% of all females have seriously considered suicide or homicide. That's 98.
And 34% describe men as their biggest problem.
According to the National Rifle Association, 5% of all females carry weapons and this number is increasing.
That means that EVERY SINGLE DAY, I drive
past at least one female that has a lousy love life, thinks men are her biggest
problem, has seriously considered suicide or homicide, has PMS, and is
armed.Give her the finger? I don't think so.Matt Rhodes
Back to school! YAAAY!!
School helps me take my mind off of things, like say... How alone I am? My friends and I all argue about how I'll never find love (They're on the defense. I am of the opinion that there is no one out there for me, and I will never find true love. Ugh. I have to stop reading romances...) I've come to the conclusion that even desperate men won't have me. (I asked two if they ever would even consider it, they said no. They didn't want to "ruin our friendship.")
So, if no one has figured it out, I broke up with Gage. He was driving me crazy. I broke up with him the Tues. before school started. I'm not going to go into details, but he's been irritating me since. I think he's forgotten how to smile, and that's bad.
D&D started on Wed. Gage and I are in the same group, so it's a little awkward, but we'll get through it.
Okay, so my Birthday is only about 3 months away. I'm scared. I don't want to be eighteen. I know I've probably complained about it already, but... It's soo close. There are some things I'm excited about, like joining my DM's Adult Only group, and driving. But the other things, like getting a job, and bills, and living on my own terrify me.
Well, I'm going to go.
And I need to find myself.
I don't know what to do.
Tears Today
I've been scouring the Internet, searching for Yorkie puppies, crying on and off. I miss Rusty so much. Janette, the woman that has him, offered to bring him over sometime. I don't think I could handle it. I'd break down crying. He wouldn't remember me, and that would hurt so much (And now I'm crying), because I still love him.
He's going to be two in February. I can't believe it.
I haven't talked to anyone since we got home. No one outside the house, that is. I feel bad, 'cause I got mad at Gage last night, and I think he thinks I'm still mad at him. But this has nothing to do with him. I don't want to talk to anyone. I was supposed to call back one of my friends, but I haven't yet.
While looking for another Yorkie, I found an ad for free T-cup Yorkie puppies. I emailed the woman , and am praying for a call. I told my parents that I am going to get this puppy, if the woman still has them.
They should have never gotten rid of Rusty. They gave him away, and then only a couple of months later I came home. Oh, and don't forget that my cat ran away the SAME MONTH that they gave Rusty to Janette, and no one told me until the day I came home.
I know this sounds spoiled, but right now, I keep thinking that my parents owe me for losing my baby, and giving away my dog. (and cue the tears)
I just miss them. Sonnet and Rusty. My boys. Yeah, I have Sammie, and Losgann never left, but... It's hard to lose a pet. Especially when you never got to say goodbye, didn't even know they were leaving.
Well, that's all for now. Thanks for listening.
So... Bored...
- Gage and I are doing great.
- I can drive.
- I designed a skateboard for Joey today.
I'm staying up late every night, playing Neopets. That's what's going on in my life. That's it. Yay.
Does God Exist? A Question in a Forum. My Answer.
After a couple of minutes, I couldn't pull myself away. I had to tell this girl why. I think I had to tell me why. And now I will tell you why.
Hey, I'm LDS, or at least I was raised as one. I went to camp and all that, wentto church every Sunday, went to activities, (never went to Seminary, tho...) andall that jazz. I even gave one of the best talks that a youth in my ward hasgiven. But recently, I've opened my eyes to the world around me.
I hate the whole "gay marriage" argument. Love is love, and all love should behonored. If anyone wants to get married, it's thier right. If God doesn't likeit, then he can deal with it when they die.
My little sister is the epitome of Mormons. She is the EXTREME Molly Mormon. But I never was. I don't think I ever truly believed in it. And because I wasn't as perfect as her, not as happy, or didn't wear bright colors, and everything, Iwas judged. I'm upset that the Ward my family is in now is so cruel, as they do it to my little brother.
My sister was needed for babysitting by two families at the same time. When they were asked if I could do it for her, both adamantly said no, they just won't go out.
I have never had an amazing experience to tell me God is real. Even my baptism didn't reveal anything special, no peace of mind, no "holy ghost", or anything.Those few times I have believed, I have never felt so very alone.
That is why I don't believe in God.
I don't know what happens after death. Because I truly don't believe in God, I never could kill myself when I attempted to. I was afraid that there would be nothing, no life after death, no new experiences, that it all ends. I was afraid I was wrong and there would be something, and that I would suffer for my choices.
Religion has always been a struggle for me. I have a hard time not knowing if there is a higher being, also known as faith. I hope that all explains what you were asking. [end quote]
Does that make sense at all to you? Or am I just crazy?
Guess Who's Back, Back, Back, Back Again, Gain, Gain...
Sorry that I didn't write that much... we had NO Internet...
I'm sooooooo happy to be home, however, no matter how awful Vegas is. My friends are all here, and I missed them.
Especially Gage, my baby. I had such a hard time without him. And he had an even harder time without me. Thankfully, we called each other every day and night. Still doesn't make up for not being able to kiss, hug, and just touch each other. I still wonder if he's real, he's so wonderful. I still love just reaching for his hand and finding that it's solid, and not just my imagination.
We went to a party tonight. It was a gathering of friends, celebrating a loved one's 17Th birthday, and the beginning of her 18Th year of life. It was great seeing my friends again, even knowing this may be the last time we hung out. Joel has gone an graduated, and a lot of people are moving.
And to think, our lives which we hold so dear are going past us soo fast. I'm scared to grow up, and be independent. I have no income, as of yet; no way to support myself. But I'm torn in that I cannot wait to get out of here. Away from this place I so bitterly call a home. And yet, I don't want to leave. I wasn't a child long enough. I grew up too quickly. My childhood was wreaked with emotional pain, and torment. I had to grow in maturity to handle it. I resent that.
I also resent my father. I know it sounds wrong, but hear me out. I need to vent.
My father does nothing around the house. No chores, I mean to say. I haven't seen him pick up a plate to clean in nearly a year. He comes home every day from work, and lays down on his bed to watch TV. And then yells at us that we don't do anything. When we point out that he hasn't done anything, he tells us he has a job, and puts food in our mouths, so shut up, and get to work. But that nagging voice in the back of my head reminds me that mom has a job, and she does more than anyone. I told this to mom, and she says that he thinks teaching is a joke. WTF?? TEACHING, a JOKE???
Well, I'm going to go now. Have to do those dishes dad's been bitching about. Hugs and Kisses!
Well, I'm here, in Iowa. I'll be here for about two and a half weeks. We arrived yesterday.
So far, we've gone shopping, and visited my grandpa's grave. I also hung out with my old friends, Jayla, Kaci, and Marcel for a while. It was fun.
Later, I'm going to stay with my older sister for a few days. I'm soo excited!
My grandma's house kinda scares me, it's so old, I worry that there's going to be a fire from the out-of-date electrical wiring. The house was built in 1956, and no renovations have been made since. Not that I'm complaining, it's a nice house, but it just needs to be fixed up, which I did. I took a screwdriver to the doors, which don't sit or close right.
Right now, we're just relaxing. But I can't wait to get this vacation started. I'm so bored... I really want to get some hardware for the doors. Some still don't work right...
Oh, yeah. I'm on my mom's laptop, because grannie doesn't have a computer, which means she has no internet, so we're stealing internet from a neighbor that has a wireless router. It' slow, but it works.
Well, I'm going to go. I'll keep writing, if I remember. Maybe if I get bored enough... :)
There's Annie, Bennie, Clinton. Jackie, me, Rylea, and Joe. But it's Rylea. Rylea who is pure evil.
Like last night. I have a sunburn that covers my body. Including my face. So I make one of my usual funny remarks, and she SLAPPED ME. Not just a little tap, but a full-on SLAP. You could hear it, and even Joe flinched. And guess who got into trouble?? -->ME<--
And so if anyone thinks they have a rival sibling, BRING IT ON!! My sister will kick the evil child's ass! They'll run away crying. My sister has made my boyfriends cry.

Long time, No see.. Or hear, or speak, or read... :P
Well, about a week ago, I got my Driver's Permit... YAY ME!!!
Gage and I are going strong, we celebrated our two-month today, even though it's tomorrow... He gave me the most beautiful bracelet. It's silver, with two frog

Rylea and I are on our periods, so it's quiet. We both get nicer on PMS, which we find weird.
Sammie's gotten HUGE, and a bigger nuisance than ever.
I've beat my first game, like totally beat it. Finished all the levels. I've never done that before. It was my first time...

I'm now on Myyearbook, in case anyone wants to check me out, I'm www.myyearbook.com/froggoddess . Of course. I AM froggoddess...!
Gage took me on a date last week, as well. We went to see You Don't Mess With the Zohan. We were planning to see Kung Fu Panda, as well, but our ride came about 2 hours early... Grr. So we're seeing it on Saturday.

Pay-like-cable internet
The Internet providers we all know and pay too much, are deciding that we still don't pay enough, and are going to raise our bill-- but not in a way that we can fight about once it happens.
Here's some more info:
You know how like, on your TV bill (for those with more than basic), you buy packages of certain channels? That's how they're going to make the Internet. In packages. As if we, the people, don't have enough on our plates to worry about.
For instance, the price of gas. About a week ago, my mom and I were driving (not casually, mind you), and we saw--get this-- a gallon of gas for $3.58. Yes. The city's LOWEST gas price! And the line was nearly a mile long. We, needless to say, could not wait that long, even for that price. So we ended up paying $.20 more.
The price of food. With rising gas prices, everything that has to be shipped has gone up. Soon it will be cheaper to eat at Olive Garden than eating at your own house!
Worldly issues. Like, how the hell are we supposed to help China? They're clear across the world, and we are having tornado issues. If we keep helping the world, and not ourselves, then we're going to become a third-world country, ourselves.
Mexicans. I still don't feel all-too-kindly about them. I, an able-bodied U.S. citizen, cannot find a job to save my life. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, could find a job if they were missing their other hand! and if they were 156 years old, with a cinderblock for a left foot. Americans can't find a job if we tried, which I don't. I've given up. There's no way to beat those bastards.
My little sister. My world is constantly in danger.
The '08 election. NONE of the freakin' candidates are capable of making this world a better country. I don't think anyone could. Unless we could reincarnate George Washington, or Abe Lincoln, or any of the other great prez's. Which won't be able to happen for another BILLION years. If we last that long.
My Vietnam Project!
I MADE THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Isn't that soo cool?? It's about the Vietnam War. It's even on YouTube! http://youtube.com/watch?v=LCS-0xuUgco
...I think... I have a stalker...
They said they got my # from a friend, but wouldn't tell me who. They also said they'd "see me later on tonight." Okay. That is totally creepy. I'm scared. Like, they could be watching my house right now. And Gage isn't answering either of his phones... :(( I'm scared....
NOTE (6/1): This creepy-ass person is named Sarah Smith. It's a chick. Somehow, she's gotten a hold of my email. *Twilight Zone Theme Song Plays* I don't even think I know a Sarah Smith! But, lo and behold, Rylea does. *sigh* yeah.

So, that level I was bitching about? I finally beat it. Now I'm on another level. Grr. Why can't I be like some insane video gamer that can beat any game in a matter of hours. Though if I beat it by the end of tomorrow, it'll only have taken me three days...

Woo random colors! So, I've been talking online a bit today, and I think I may be scarred for the rest of my life... Thank you, Lucas.
This post is just going to be randomness.

Like, I have a coupon here for a Free PINK undie at Victoria's Secret... cool. I wanna go, but I never go to Vickie's Secret.
What is Victoria's Secret?? She is really in actuality a he. Or at least that's what I've heard.
Okay. So I have a few Hollywood Secrets, as well. Like, everyone knows the Titanic theme song by Seline Dion? Well, the song they used in the movie was actually shot in the vehicle on the way to the studio. Yeah!! She was late getting to the studio, and they were recording it. Then they got to the studio, and recorded it again. Well, they liked the one from the ride over better, so that's the one in the movie! Crazy, right?

And then there's the horse from the Wizard of Oz. You know the one, no one can forget it. The one that changed colors? Well. It was originally meant to be blue, and instead of just dyeing the horse blue, they decided to use Jell-O. Well, the horse apparently really liked Jell-O, and kept licking it off. Eventually, they ran out of blue, and had to switch colors. Thus, the color-changing horse.
On Prom night, as I have told you, I fell asleep in my boyfriend's arms, and he was watching me sleep. We're talking about it, and he's describing what it was like. Here are some excerpts:
Makenna: what did I look like?
Gage: when a baby sleeps in its new home
Gage: you just can't take your eyes off of it

Gage: you looked like when you sit on top of a perfect hill and you watch as the sun rises over the horizon, lighting everything that is beautiful
Gage: you look like Oscar when he's sleep in his blanket on the couch
(note: Oscar is his baby miniature wiener-dog, who is absolutely adorable)
And he says he can't write! This is pure poetry! And it's soo romantic, too.
See why I REALLY like him?
The Day I Almost Died, and Another Level Obsession
I was an idiot. And I know it.
It's Monday waaaaay after school, and my friend and I are stranded at the school after a D&D game. My mom and friends with cars can't pick us up, my dad has only enough room for one in his car, and there is NO WAY I'm going to even consider letting my friend, who has saved my life many uncountable times in D&D, walk the (what I thought was about half a mile, but turned out to be more like three) desert alone. We live in VEGAS. We broke records on Monday. It was 109* IN THE SHADE. We both had water. We were together. We'd be fine.
Or so I thought.
I was wrong.
So we start walking, and because of the heat and everything, I figured we'd stop and take breaks. Once again, I was wrong. My friend kept pushing on. HE was in GREAT physical condition. I'm not. We hit ravines. Not like little hills, but RAVINES. CANYONS. Small canyons, but a couple went at least 15 feet deep.
We keep going. Pressing onward.
(May I make another "I'm an IDIOT" comment?)
So, about 250 yards away from civilization, I collapse. Faint. Black out. Lose consciousness. Take your pic. My friend (we'll call him B, because that's sooooo much shorter to write), starts freaking out, if I remember right. I wake, and dial 911 for him. I don't remember much afterwards...
Then, there was this reeeealy cute EMT. He had the emo hair, and a round-ish face. Really cute, black hair with an under-layer of blond, and blue eyes (I don't know why I can remember these things B had my phone, so I never got a pic...).
My parents show up, and take me and B home.
This is after they lay me down in ice packs and poured water over everything but my mouth, which I thought was the driest and hottest place on Earth. And possibly Mars. But they poured so much water on me, had I been wearing white, I would have won a wet T-shirt contest.
I got home, and for the rest of the next week, I've been having hot-and-cold flashes. I'll go from living in a freezer in the North Pole, to living in Saudi Arabia in a bakeshop.
Okay. Now to answer the annoying question in the back of your mind about the second half of my title. I am playing another game. And I'm pretty far, too. And, you guessed it. I can't beat this level I'm on. I have been playing this level ALL F&#*ING DAY. Okay, fine. Since about 2:30. I beat all the levels before it.
To answer the new annoying question. I'm playing Diner Dash. The full version. Because I own it. And if you have played it, then you know how the levels work. I'm on 3-4. And it's f&#* impossible, I tell you! IMPOSSIBLE!!
I would like to congratulate my lil sis, Rylea. She won the Wild Cat Award, THE most prestigious award handed out by her school. All of her teachers voted her "best student in the school." I'm not shocked. A 4.3 GPA, Vice Prez of the student body, and most popular, well, at least, known.
EVERYONE in that school knows her name! And? She has an all-access pass! She can get ONTO THE SCHOOL ROOF IF SHE WANTED. That's freaking crazy!! And even the Principal admits Rylea has just as much power as she does! My sister is almost as powerful as Hitler! Stalin! Cesar! (Actually, that last one fits the best. I'm scared that High School's going to kill her.)
Well, that's the end of this post. Hope for the comments!
Good times. Goooood times.
Okay. So. LOTS have happened this past... however long ago it was that I wrote.
Let's start with Thursday, shall we?
So. On Thursday, Right after I wrote what happened, I tried on my prom dress just to make sure. Well, it's a good thing I did. I busted the zipper. So, Friday, mom and I took my dress in to the shop. They took out the zipper, and then took out a side. We went to Kmart after that, and my mom bought me a corset, so I wouldn't be able to expand once I got it on.
Saturday. Prom Night.
Wow. Lots happened. I woke up, and called Gage, making sure he was up and moving, like I do every weekend. He was, which I took to be a good sign.
We went to get my hair done at 11, at a wonderful shop at Ann and Simmonds. The lady that did my hair was a little Asian named Jade. She was really cool.
After we got my hair done, we went to pick up my dress. It was ready.
We got home at around 2. Gage wouldn't be there for another 2 hours. Which meant I had to clean. His mom is a neat freak...
So I cleaned the living room with my mom's help. Or vice versa...
Then I had to go play with my makeup, which, might I add, was amazing. Took me FOREVER, though.
Gage was at my door at 4:08 with our friend Mason after that. Mom called for me, and I walked out of her room. I felt like a princess. We took THOUSANDS of pictures. Or at least, it felt like it.
The corsage was perfect. Gage picked it all out himself. White orchids with silver ribbon and wire with white crystal stones. Like I said, perfect.
We got to Olive Garden and waited for the rest of our party. There were 11 others coming. I think we gave the waitresses hell, with all our separate checks.
We FINALLY got to the prom. We were some of the first there, and got our pictures done.
My friends and I were the first on the dance floor.
Gage danced with me. I felt soo special because Gage is self-conscience of himself, and doesn't like to dance in front of other people.
Right before we left, I almost fainted. My corset was cutting off the circulation to my brain, and I wasn't getting enough oxygen. My friend had to drag me to the bathroom and take it off. (thanks Dani!!)
We left at about 9:30 to go to another friend's house (thanks Chelsea!) and watch a movie (Sweeny Todd). I don't think anyone was really paying attention. Well, I don't know... I was either asleep in Gage's lap, or kissing Gage... ;)
We left at about 12:30 to go home. I fell asleep at about 1:00.
That's a lot, so I'll pause here. If you want to hear about Sunday and Monday, then I'll write later.
Torn Dreams
Too bad mine won't be that way.
Three things over the past day have happened.
1) My makeup appt. got canceled.
2) Our transportation canceled on us.
3) My prom dress' zipper ripped.
And, to top it all off, my toes won't stay on. (I have fake toenails on right now...)
But, honestly, that's not even the worst of it.
My friend, or, well, I don't know what I consider him, and I got into a HUGE arguement. I blew up on him. Mount Vesuvius would have been proud (that's the one from Popeii).
See, he's moving next weekend. To Oregon. I'm never going to see him again, possibly. And for a second, I thought I wasn't going to miss him. But who am I kidding? Of COURSE I'm going to miss him. But he doesn't care. Today he claimed he never loved me. But for months, every time we talked, we exchanged "I love you"'s.
But now, he'll probably never talk to me again. And I care.
The Truth About Friends
Life is too short to live with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy.They just promised it would be worth it.
Total Awesomeness
It has quick and easy access to TOTAL AND COMPLETE RANDOMNESS!!, as well as a pop-up blocker, local weather, an email notifier, a quick link to music, and a search that's effective. This is all spyware and adware free. (he's my friend, and I trust him, and if you trust me, you can trust him. He protects me from that stuff, in fact...)So Try It OUT!! and if you have ANY complaints, come to me! This is what it looks like (somewhat... Some is cut off):
If you like it, click directly on it. It will automatically download it.
Happy Mother's Day!!
Messing With Minds
Makenna: I love you
Makenna: Wait...
Makenna: Wrong persom
Lucas: wtf?
Makenna: person
Lucas: great. now im scared for life

Lucas: T_T
Makenna: Oh, whatever.
I like messing with people's minds... And don't act so shocked.
I just noticed something.... my "About Me" section rhymes... I didn't even do that on purpose! Lol!
There are a lot of different types of dreams. Dreams of success, broken dreams, good dreams, phrophetic dreams, bad dreams, nightmares, and the list goes on. Even "wish" is synonymous with "dream." (A dream is a wish your heart makes).
I think in one dream, a recurring one, I've had all these types of dreams. And it's quite stupid. It's a mere fragment of a dream, really. I find my glasses.
No, I'm not kidding you. I'm quite serious. I keep having a dream where I find my glasses. Because I have lost my glasses (rest assured I am not mistaking my glasses with my proverbial "marbles") in real life. So now they are haunting me in my dreams. They are always on a white shelf. That's all I remember. A white shelf.
And yes, maybe I have lost my marbles. If I even had any. But that white shelf is driving me nuts, 'cause I don't have that many in my house, and the last day I remember having them, I was over at a friend's house. And last I remembered, he didn't have white shelves, either. So I'm totally lost.
And I've become soo obsessed with finding my glasses, I've told my therapist about the dream. He says that I'm not only looking for my glasses, which help me to see further, but I'm looking for the bigger picture, a new perspective, and something about seeing a way out of my immediate predicament.
Whatever it is, it's driving me insane. That, and my virus. YAY FOR TROJAN!!! NOT ONLY TO PROTECT AGAINST PREGNANCY AND STDS ANYMORE!! *sidenote* I wonder if it was Trojan Man who infected me in the first place...
Only A Little Obsessive

Like, for instance, Peggle Deluxe 1.0. I'm doing a challenge, a 300,000 point challenge, and I CAN NOT beat it! (and watch me kick it's little animated ass when I'm done posting this!) That would be ironic. Lets see if it works, shall we?

And it did. I have beat all the 300K challenges! On to the next level!! The 350K!
Well, now that I beat that level, I'm going to become obsessive over the

My whole computer is fucked up. I have a Trojan virus, and many of it's little components. AND I CAN'T GET RID OF IT!! My anti-virus can't do anything, because it can't access some of the files. And my uncle isn't here, who could fix it, and my friends who could walk me thru it are NEVER on.

So I'm stuck with pop-ups, and missed keys, and all sorts of fun stuff. Like, my computer randomly shutting down. WOO HOO.
Broken Lives.
Like, today, he yelled at me. It hurt so bad. But I can't, and won't, be in a relationship with someone whose anger isn't in check. I don't want that in my life in the future, and I don't want it in my future kids' lives.
I know he's hurt. But I wasn't going to just sit around. He once told me that if I was going to break up with him, to do it quick, and don't wait. I made a mistake and did. I've given him quite a few chances. I am a person who believes in second and third chances. I gave him quite a few.
ALL of this has happened in less than 2 days. Life is so fast. It's fast, and it can hurt when you crash. But, thankfully, I can take it one week, one day, one hour, one minute, one second, one breath at a time.
Freaky Horoscopes.
Don't look now but your ruler Jupiter is about to start a retrograde cycle. This is not bad news, per se, but it does mark the start of a cycle when you might feel a little less inclined than usual to do your Sagittarian thing of going where Angels fear to tread, and so on. No matter. This is a good day to stop and reflect on what you actually want for yourself and your life, no in a Five Year Plan kind of way but in a Over The Next Coupla Weeks fashion. No detail is too minor to attend to.
Mine on Tarot.com:
A return to your regular routine is practical, yet you may not be willing to give up on your dream of going on a journey of some kind. Nevertheless, it seems as if you are running out of time and cannot get away with wasting your energy on non-productive activities. Luckily, even the most boring chore can suddenly transform into the very adventure you seek.
Don’t feel too bad if you decide you really need a bit of time- out today, because as with a couple of other signs this isn’t likely to be one of your more sparkling days, and similarly, spending a little quality time enjoying more gentle pursuits will provide the relaxing end to the weekend you crave!
You may not be feeling as energetic as usual, but family members or coworkers should keep you going throughout the day. Let someone else lead the way for the time being -- it should help you catch up!
It's hard for you to live in the moment unless you have an idea of what's next. Knowing the overall plan about where you're headed helps you feel secure and relaxed enough to enjoy what's going on now
I am soooo sorry!

And for all of you who got worried for my sanity, thank you. I am perfectly fine now. Maybe.
I did eventually get to sleep last night. At like, 3:00-4:00 AM, but I slept.

I have a favor to ask of you, Readers. If you dream about finding a pair of green and black glasses, could you please tell me where you found them? And "on my face" doesn't count.
So, last night, I found out I have the Trojan viruses. A bunch of them. And my computer can't get rid of them.

So, to help with my problem, my awesome friend, Jack, helped me. But, in the process, he got rid of my Smiley Central. *sobs* So you're going to get just random icons from now on, unless you can tell me where I can get awesome smileys without adware and spyware...

There was something else I was going to tell you about... Damn. I forgot. I have Bush-itis... *devilish smile*


Well, since I am awake all night, I'm probably going to do something stupid. Just giving you a heads-up. And I take no responsibility for lost IQ points.
I have some really funny little Icons, as I told you. I will probably post them here. Tonight. All 700 of them. No, I'm kidding. I wouldn't put them all here. Not now. Just enough to make your heads spin.

You will also probably slap yourself in the head a couple of times after reading this. Because I am

words a few times in a row. Yay!

Below is an actual account of a conversation I just had. Ignore the beginning, it won't make sense.
My friends!! *hugs them*
Boredom is Boring.

My Boyfriend...

Note (5/5/08):
After an afternoon of getting picked on by Joe, I have come to know that Joe is NOT gay (He explicitly to me about this, so I figured I should set things straight). Tank and Joe are practically brothers, NOT gay lovers (also mentioned in said talking to), and that the stupid smile on his face was him being a dork. Of which I have found he is very good at. Being a dork, I mean. Hugs!