Ugh. Summer got soo boring near the end. So school started on the 25th, and let me tell you, I was sooo happy! I've got amazing classes. (7/8 are enjoyable).
School helps me take my mind off of things, like say... How alone I am? My friends and I all argue about how I'll never find love (They're on the defense. I am of the opinion that there is no one out there for me, and I will never find true love. Ugh. I have to stop reading romances...) I've come to the conclusion that even desperate men won't have me. (I asked two if they ever would even consider it, they said no. They didn't want to "ruin our friendship.")
So, if no one has figured it out, I broke up with Gage. He was driving me crazy. I broke up with him the Tues. before school started. I'm not going to go into details, but he's been irritating me since. I think he's forgotten how to smile, and that's bad.
D&D started on Wed. Gage and I are in the same group, so it's a little awkward, but we'll get through it.
Okay, so my Birthday is only about 3 months away. I'm scared. I don't want to be eighteen. I know I've probably complained about it already, but... It's soo close. There are some things I'm excited about, like joining my DM's Adult Only group, and driving. But the other things, like getting a job, and bills, and living on my own terrify me.
Well, I'm going to go.
eh, we'll get threw it, and if it's that awkward to you I can switch days, and I'm still sorry, for doing those things
.... I don't know it this will make you feel better but, I'm out here for you, and I'm not desperate, but I know it's faded, I just hope it can rekindle. please reply
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