
I am soooo sorry!

Okay, so for all of you who were embarrassed for me last night, I apologize. When I haven't slept, I get loopy.

And for all of you who got worried for my sanity, thank you. I am perfectly fine now. Maybe.

I did eventually get to sleep last night. At like, 3:00-4:00 AM, but I slept.

I have a favor to ask of you, Readers. If you dream about finding a pair of green and black glasses, could you please tell me where you found them? And "on my face" doesn't count.

So, last night, I found out I have the Trojan viruses. A bunch of them. And my computer can't get rid of them. So now I get random pop-ups, and a LOT of spam. Grr. And my Norton can't help. *cries*

So, to help with my problem, my awesome friend, Jack, helped me. But, in the process, he got rid of my Smiley Central. *sobs* So you're going to get just random icons from now on, unless you can tell me where I can get awesome smileys without adware and spyware...

There was something else I was going to tell you about... Damn. I forgot. I have Bush-itis... *devilish smile*

Oh. And Let me tell you, I am SO tired of drama!!! Haley, one of Tank's "friends" tried to break him and I up last night. I put the "" up because he doesn't consider him a friend, really. he doesn't wantme to have anything to do with her. And now, I don't really mind. So, FUCK OFF, HALEY.

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