
Boredom is Boring.

Happy Birthday, Rylea! Woohoo! The big 1-4!

I got soo bored last night. I was just looking thru the Photobucket, and I found this >>. Listen to it. I want comments.

I also want attention. I feel like my boyfriend is avoiding me, and isn't spending enough time with me. Like, he leaves me alone during lunch, and just... I feel so alone. And sometimes, I feel like fighting and getting into trouble is more important to him than me. Or doing things his way, like biting me wrong, bragging to everyone that he can turn me on by doing this, and then shows them. I feel like a trophy girlfriend, and that he's showing me off.

I try to talk to him about it. But he won't listen to me. I'm so not listened to. Dammit, I want someone to PAY ATTENTION TO ME. But I'm invisible, I guess. See the picture? >>
I'm sorry for the pityparty. I just... I need to get this out of me.


marines.tank said...

im not avoiding you baby i just have alot of thing i need to do and if im doing something you dont like then tell me and it well stop. baby i do listen to you but you dont seem to see it and that hurts lil bet. i love you to death and you know that ok. but you need to talk to me about thing like this if you dont it just wont work out. and i really want it to.

ok hope to talk to you soon.

Froggoddess said...

Babe, we TALKED about it during 6th period. But nothing seems to change.