
Breathe Deep, Seek Peace, Fly High, Find Hope, Live For No Regrets.

You are so beautiful.
I would be scared to write of it.
I am so poor, my muse,
Because nothing I can write
Will ever compare to you.
I will only make you less

Than what you are;
I would rather burn than to shame
Such beauty as thine!
You are more
Than my humble pen can express.
Don't believe me?
Come, borrow my mirror.
It will never lie.

That is what I wrote for a performance I have to give tomorrow. It's not a literal translation of a Shakespeare sonnet (103), but it is a translation of a literal translation. Confused? I still am. But hey, blame my teacher.

So my--well... he's not exactly my boyfriend, but I call him so-- is coming home a day early from Oregon to spend time with me. (And my sister wonders why I love him!) We haven't planned our whole day, but I like spontaneity. I'm soo excited to see him. He's been in Oregon for two weeks, and we haven't seen eachother since the 15th of February (We call it Our V-day). I can't wait to see him. I'm considering stealing my sis's camera... Unless I can talk him into getting our pics taken. I'd like to do that, but if I can't convince him, I'll just borrow a camera, and use my own memorystick.

I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten since lunch; about 10:00. So I'm hungry. Now it's 7:48. FOOD!!!

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