
A Few Questions About a Higher Reality

As you may have guessed, this blog is pretty random, not focused on one specific topic. And I like it that way. It screams "MAKENNA!!!!!," more so than if I just posted pictures of pretty foods. Or nasty foods. Or any one topic, for that matter. It's just my style. My blog is not a part of any organization. Well, it is a part of the blogosphere, and is hosted on Blogspot, but hey.

My blog is like my belief system. Or lack thereof... I am a part of no organized religion, and my thoughts on “IT” all are pretty random. But that's not saying I don't believe in a god. Or gods. Or some higher entity. Some days, I pray to one God, the Christian God. Other days I pray to all gods, from Athena to Thor to Zeus to Erishkegal(sp?) to any number of nameless gods.

One of my great friends, Roger, loaned me a book called American Gods. It was a neat little novel about how the old gods are struggling to survive in a world where they no longer are worshipped in favor of the new gods (internet, cable TV, drugs, money, ect.), and the new gods want to eradicate the old ones for power. One of my favorite parts of the book was when Wednesday (the main god) told us HOW gods came to be. Through the power of imagination and worship. A new god is born every day, when something is suddenly loved and in a way, worshipped. A deity is created. I think this is awesome.

The 12-Step Program designed for AA, NA, OA, ect. States that you need a higher power, and that you have to let everything go to it. YOU are not in control. IT is. So drop it. However, the Program doesn’t state anywhere that your Higher Power HAS to be God. Or a God. For all they care, your higher power could be your favorite desk ornament in your work office (though they do recommend it be god. Or some sort of entity, and not an inanimate object. Could you imagine seeing someone praying to a small knick-knack in like, a doctors office? That would be weird).

The matter of the afterlife is next. I don’t get it. There’s no way of knowing what the afterlife holds for us. Technically, if there is an afterlife we have to have souls, right? And you can’t evolve to have a soul. That doesn’t make sense. So were we created to have one? But then you have to believe in Adam and Eve and/or Creationism. But science says that Creationism isn’t possible: we have evidence that proves otherwise. Like dinosaurs and fossils that show evolution.

Are you confused yet?

Then there’s the matter of ghosts. HOW many theories have you heard on that subject? Why ghosts are here. How you get them to leave. Poltergeists. Why only certain people can effectively communicate with them. Why there are mean ghosts. Why children and teenage girls are most likely to get visits from them. Why there are nice ghosts. Why they stayed here on earth instead of going on to the afterlife. How to communicate with them. That they can walk on Halloween. Are they even real. Are the ghosts we see and hear and know they’re there the only ones there, or are they just the strongest? What are ghosts? Why are they there? And the questions go on and on and on…

Science hasn’t been able to give us answers yet. To any of the questions about ghosts and God and souls. So just like religion, we must have faith that these things are there. Or not there. Whatever.

I was raised LDS. Mormon. Mo-Mo. Baptized on my eighth birthday. I left when I was 16, and dabbled in Pagan practices/ “witchcraft” (my own special brand). In other words, I was nuts. Now? I don’t know what to believe. One of my favorite quotes is from House. I don’t want to misquote it, so I’ll just paraphrase for right now. Cameron says that she doesn’t believe in God because if there was actually something out there, the Human Race wouldn’t even have the capacity to fathom what “IT” really was. Which is really true. Why do we think we know what God wants? If he really is “IT,” how the hell could we, as humans, even begin to imagine His great wants, and needs? What if he actually does want virgin sacrifices? In this day-and-age, he can’t exactly tell a “prophet” such… The Catholics would denounce him, call him a pagan and a heretic, the Mormons would freak out, and the Westboro Baptists would probably either join in or picket about how people are going crazy because we’ve let ‘fags’ into our society. This man would be tried for either murder or attempted murder, and would be locked up in some sort of asylum or given the death sentence.

There’s always that one person, without fail, who always brings God or Jesus into the conversation. Go read any semi-political article on Yahoo. There’s always that ONE PERSON who says something about how God has his hands in everything, good or bad; or how Jesus saved us, so WHY did this happen? or blames the Devil as to Why. Okay, now that just pisses me off. God gave us a present called Free Agency. That means we all have a CHOICE. To be and to do whatever the hell we want. For a reason. We will never fathom this reason, but I’m sure He (or She) has one. So just drop it.

There is also those people whose Facebook and Twitter statuses are always about how God is so great and has blessed them, and how Jesus loves us soooo much he died for us, ect. Good for you, bible thumpers. Now get OFF of my page!!! (I’m sure I’m going to get shit about saying that…)

Okay, I’m done with my rant for now. TTYL.

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