But Tuesdays.... Man. That's the best day. It's not nearly as crowded then. The only thing I don't like about Tues. is that I almost always get attacked by something with tentacles. And Gage has to go in and save me. Grr.
Gage is so valiant. He saves me almost every time, even though I have higher AC and HP. But still. He's a sweetie.
Speaking of Gage, David, Joel and I went over to his house and had a gaming party. We played video games. I surprised myself and everyone else when I actually did really well. I'm usually not that good at video games, but when we played Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I kicked ass, and actually killed people. WOooHOO!
We then played Mario Party. I also kicked some ass. I beat everyone by, like, 2 (or was it three?) stars. OOhhh, yeah.
THEN, we played Rock Band. I didn't do too good at that. We kept playing songs I didn't know, and I didn't know the lyrics (I was the vocalist), so I sucked. I kept looking at Gage and whispering "I'm butchering this! Why did we do this one? It's dying a slow and painful death!"
Everyone would then laugh. I didn't find it funny. I already know I suck at singing, (Okay, I don't, but I didn't know the songs) and the scores on the stats page didn't really help.
I'm sooooo bored right now. I'm going to embrace my inner weirdo, and go play neopets. Yay!
1 comment:
go you had fun
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