Hi, everyone!!
Well, I'm here, in Iowa. I'll be here for about two and a half weeks. We arrived yesterday.
So far, we've gone shopping, and visited my grandpa's grave. I also hung out with my old friends, Jayla, Kaci, and Marcel for a while. It was fun.
Later, I'm going to stay with my older sister for a few days. I'm soo excited!
My grandma's house kinda scares me, it's so old, I worry that there's going to be a fire from the out-of-date electrical wiring. The house was built in 1956, and no renovations have been made since. Not that I'm complaining, it's a nice house, but it just needs to be fixed up, which I did. I took a screwdriver to the doors, which don't sit or close right.
Right now, we're just relaxing. But I can't wait to get this vacation started. I'm so bored... I really want to get some hardware for the doors. Some still don't work right...
Oh, yeah. I'm on my mom's laptop, because grannie doesn't have a computer, which means she has no internet, so we're stealing internet from a neighbor that has a wireless router. It' slow, but it works.
Well, I'm going to go. I'll keep writing, if I remember. Maybe if I get bored enough... :)
So, I have siblings. Five, to be exact. But all of them are civil humaniods. Well, all but one.
There's Annie, Bennie, Clinton. Jackie, me, Rylea, and Joe. But it's Rylea. Rylea who is pure evil.
Like last night. I have a sunburn that covers my body. Including my face. So I make one of my usual funny remarks, and she SLAPPED ME. Not just a little tap, but a full-on SLAP. You could hear it, and even Joe flinched. And guess who got into trouble?? -->ME<--
And so if anyone thinks they have a rival sibling, BRING IT ON!! My sister will kick the evil child's ass! They'll run away crying. My sister has made my boyfriends cry.
There's Annie, Bennie, Clinton. Jackie, me, Rylea, and Joe. But it's Rylea. Rylea who is pure evil.
Like last night. I have a sunburn that covers my body. Including my face. So I make one of my usual funny remarks, and she SLAPPED ME. Not just a little tap, but a full-on SLAP. You could hear it, and even Joe flinched. And guess who got into trouble?? -->ME<--
And now. We JUST WATCHED Camp Rock. And guess what we have to watch again?? That's right! CAMP ROCK. Hiphip hooray. I'm missing my FAVORITE show, House.
And so if anyone thinks they have a rival sibling, BRING IT ON!! My sister will kick the evil child's ass! They'll run away crying. My sister has made my boyfriends cry.
In my last post, I forgot THE MOST IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! GAA! I
can't figure out how I forgot it! It's HUGE!! SPECTACULAR!! UNBELIEVEABLE! AANNDDD HERE IT IS!

Gage's mom showed me his baby pictures!!! In the world of women, this is the BEST news in the world. It means the mother has accepted the girlfriend. I'm SOOO HAPPY!!! 

For a looong time, I was terrified that she didn't accept me, didn't like me. I tried really hard to impress her. And I did! I'm now okay to date her son! Yay!
Long time, No see.. Or hear, or speak, or read... :P
Sorry, my loyal fans... I've been "busy" :D...
Well, about a week ago, I got my Driver's Permit... YAY ME!!!
Gage and I are going strong, we celebrated our two-month today, even though it's tomorrow... He gave me the most beautiful bracelet. It's silver, with two frog
charms, a laptop charm, one that says Flip Flop, a telephone, one that says Angel, and flipflops. It's so shiny :D, and it tinkles when I move my wrist. I love it!
Rylea and I are on our periods, so it's quiet. We both get nicer on PMS, which we find weird.
Sammie's gotten HUGE, and a bigger nuisance than ever.
I've beat my first game, like totally beat it. Finished all the levels. I've never done that before. It was my first time...
I'm now on Myyearbook, in case anyone wants to check me out, I'm www.myyearbook.com/froggoddess . Of course. I AM froggoddess...!
Gage took me on a date last week, as well. We went to see You Don't Mess With the Zohan. We were planning to see Kung Fu Panda, as well, but our ride came about 2 hours early... Grr. So we're seeing it on Saturday.

Well, about a week ago, I got my Driver's Permit... YAY ME!!!
Gage and I are going strong, we celebrated our two-month today, even though it's tomorrow... He gave me the most beautiful bracelet. It's silver, with two frog

Rylea and I are on our periods, so it's quiet. We both get nicer on PMS, which we find weird.
Sammie's gotten HUGE, and a bigger nuisance than ever.
I've beat my first game, like totally beat it. Finished all the levels. I've never done that before. It was my first time...

I'm now on Myyearbook, in case anyone wants to check me out, I'm www.myyearbook.com/froggoddess . Of course. I AM froggoddess...!
Gage took me on a date last week, as well. We went to see You Don't Mess With the Zohan. We were planning to see Kung Fu Panda, as well, but our ride came about 2 hours early... Grr. So we're seeing it on Saturday.

Well, that's about it. For now. See you on the Phlip Syde!
Pay-like-cable internet
So, my completely and totally informed friend has found me something to write about, again.
The Internet providers we all know and pay too much, are deciding that we still don't pay enough, and are going to raise our bill-- but not in a way that we can fight about once it happens.
Here's some more info:
You know how like, on your TV bill (for those with more than basic), you buy packages of certain channels? That's how they're going to make the Internet. In packages. As if we, the people, don't have enough on our plates to worry about.
For instance, the price of gas. About a week ago, my mom and I were driving (not casually, mind you), and we saw--get this-- a gallon of gas for $3.58. Yes. The city's LOWEST gas price! And the line was nearly a mile long. We, needless to say, could not wait that long, even for that price. So we ended up paying $.20 more.
The price of food. With rising gas prices, everything that has to be shipped has gone up. Soon it will be cheaper to eat at Olive Garden than eating at your own house!
Worldly issues. Like, how the hell are we supposed to help China? They're clear across the world, and we are having tornado issues. If we keep helping the world, and not ourselves, then we're going to become a third-world country, ourselves.
Mexicans. I still don't feel all-too-kindly about them. I, an able-bodied U.S. citizen, cannot find a job to save my life. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, could find a job if they were missing their other hand! and if they were 156 years old, with a cinderblock for a left foot. Americans can't find a job if we tried, which I don't. I've given up. There's no way to beat those bastards.
My little sister. My world is constantly in danger.
The '08 election. NONE of the freakin' candidates are capable of making this world a better country. I don't think anyone could. Unless we could reincarnate George Washington, or Abe Lincoln, or any of the other great prez's. Which won't be able to happen for another BILLION years. If we last that long.
The Internet providers we all know and pay too much, are deciding that we still don't pay enough, and are going to raise our bill-- but not in a way that we can fight about once it happens.
Here's some more info:
You know how like, on your TV bill (for those with more than basic), you buy packages of certain channels? That's how they're going to make the Internet. In packages. As if we, the people, don't have enough on our plates to worry about.
For instance, the price of gas. About a week ago, my mom and I were driving (not casually, mind you), and we saw--get this-- a gallon of gas for $3.58. Yes. The city's LOWEST gas price! And the line was nearly a mile long. We, needless to say, could not wait that long, even for that price. So we ended up paying $.20 more.
The price of food. With rising gas prices, everything that has to be shipped has gone up. Soon it will be cheaper to eat at Olive Garden than eating at your own house!
Worldly issues. Like, how the hell are we supposed to help China? They're clear across the world, and we are having tornado issues. If we keep helping the world, and not ourselves, then we're going to become a third-world country, ourselves.
Mexicans. I still don't feel all-too-kindly about them. I, an able-bodied U.S. citizen, cannot find a job to save my life. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, could find a job if they were missing their other hand! and if they were 156 years old, with a cinderblock for a left foot. Americans can't find a job if we tried, which I don't. I've given up. There's no way to beat those bastards.
My little sister. My world is constantly in danger.
The '08 election. NONE of the freakin' candidates are capable of making this world a better country. I don't think anyone could. Unless we could reincarnate George Washington, or Abe Lincoln, or any of the other great prez's. Which won't be able to happen for another BILLION years. If we last that long.
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